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Front of FOOTHILLS 2022 issue, with an image of a mountain range


Zebulun Knuteson

Roll up your sleeves and get to work. Mow the lawn and if you don't know
how have your brother teach you. Overlap the rows of grass so you do not
miss any. Pull the weeds from the base not the top. Why are your hands so
soft? Have you been wearing gloves to do your work? Girls have soft hands,
don't wear gloves. Have you never worked a day in your life? Feel his hands,
do you feel the calices? That is how a man's hand should feel. But I don't
like dirt on my hands or that rough feeling! This is how you change a tire.
Put the jack under the car buy only on the frame. Don't raise the tire all the
way off the ground when you start unscrewing the lug nuts. The tire will
spin if you don't. Take the tire off the car. You should have already had the
spare tire beside the car. Tighten the lug nuts very tight, they cannot be
loose! You're not strong enough to tighten them? You are a man you should
be stronger than that. You need to get stronger, so you do not become the
queer they already see you as. Play with cars not with barbies. Your brothers
play with cards and your sisters play with barbies. Don't watch that, that is
for girls. Watch this this is for men. Men do not care about clothes. Men do
not shop. Lower you voice it's too high you sound like a queer. Don't cross
your legs like that, are you a girl? Do you have a vagina? Sit up straight,
shoulders back, chest out. That is how men walk and stand. Thank the
soldier, that is what a man looks like. You don't know how to shave?
Teach yourself because who else is around to teach you? You don't know
how to tie a tie? Men know how to tie a tie. Be a man and tie a tie. Who
will teach me how? This is how to get a girlfriend. Girls like manly men that
know what they want. Do not have sex! Have you kissed yet? No? Do you
not like kissing girls are you a homo? Hold the door open for her. Give her
your coat. Girls are fragile and gentle. Men do not show their feelings. Are
you crying? Men do not cry. Crying shows weakness. You are strong not a
girl. Be a man. Do not wear your feelings on your sleeves. Quit being so
emotional. I do not think I want to live anymore. This is how you be a man
of God. Read your bible. Pray constantly. Go to Church. Why are you not
raising your hands while worshipping? Do you now want to worship God?
Raise your hands, true men of God show that they are worshipping. Join a
men's small group, men only relate to men. Hate this group of people the
Bible says they are sinners. Do not associate with this group of people they
are tyring to push their sinful agenda. Any feelings that are not of God you
can pray away. Pray that away. God isn't taking it away. Then you are not
being faithful enough, you are not praying hard enough. But what if it is
just who I am? Are you telling me after all of this you think it is not your
choice? This is how you play a sport.

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