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Please read carefully and follow the submission instructions. We cannot consider your submission until you have followed the submission instructions.

  • We accept literary submissions of poetry, prose, short fiction and creative nonfiction. Because of space constraints, each individual literary piece must be less than 1000 words. We do not accept research essays and screenplays, and we cannot publish pieces that contain profanity. Each literary piece should be saved as a .txt, .doc, or .docx file and should be clearly titled.
  • TO PROMOTE ANONYMITY FOR UNBIASED JUDGING, please format your pieces in this way: 1) Bold and left justify titles 2) left justify all poetry and prose (unless using a creative and intentional form) 3) Times New Roman in 12 pt. font (unless using a different font/size for creative and intentional purposes).
  • NOTE: You must submit all pieces in one submission entry. If you are submitting more than one piece, do not submit each piece separately. It is best to put all of your submissions on one file to attach to your submission. You won't be able to edit your submission entry after submitting.
  • NOTE: You must provide us with an updated email address, a short biography (50 words or less), and the titles of all submitted pieces. Your biography MUST be written in 3rd person (Jane Doe is a senior photography major who enjoys...). We cannot stress enough that your bio MUST be less than 75 words. If your piece is a collaboration, please provide separate bios for each person.
  • We accept art submissions in all media, including painting, photography, design, sculpture, etc. Each art piece should be saved as a .jpg, .png, or .gif file and should be clearly titled.
  • An individual may submit up to 5 pieces total, which can be all literary pieces, all art pieces, or a mix of both. Please submit all pieces in one submission form. It does not have to be all on one document.
  • The submitter’s name should not appear anywhere on the submissions.
  • By submitting, you acknowledge and permit that all submissions accepted in the magazine will potentially be posted on IWU's Modern Language and Literature Division blog, Sylva (found here: We will reach out to you concerning other submissions not accepted in the magazine, for we may still ask to publish your pieces on the blog due to limited space in the magazine.

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